Python-Selenium-1: Setup Python on Eclipse


  • Python: Ensure Python is installed on your system. You can download it from
  • Eclipse IDE: Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

Installing PyDev Plugin

PyDev is the most popular Python plugin for Eclipse.

  1. Open Eclipse: Launch Eclipse IDE.
  2. Install PyDev:
    • Go to Help -> Install New Software.
    • Click Add.
    • Enter a name (e.g., PyDev) and the update site URL:
    • Select PyDev and click Next.
    • Accept the license agreement and finish the installation.
    • Restart Eclipse when prompted.

Configuring Python Interpreter

  1. Open Preferences: Go to Window -> Preferences.
  2. Configure Interpreter:
    • Expand PyDev and select Interpreter – Python.
    • Click New.
    • Enter a name for the interpreter (e.g., Python 3.x).
    • Click Browse to locate your Python executable (usually something like C:\Program Files\Python310\python.exe).
    • Click OK to save the interpreter.

Creating and Running a Python Script

  1. Create a Python Module: Right-click on the src folder in your project, select New -> PyDev Module.
  2. Module Name: Enter a name for your module (e.g., my_script).
  3. Finish: Click Finish to create the module.
  4. Write Python Code: Edit the module with your Python code.
  5. Run the Script: Right-click on the module in the Package Explorer, select Run As -> Python Run.


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