1- What is the project you have worked on?
2- What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?
3- What is the re-testing and Regression Testing?
4- What is defect density
5- Difference between Test Strategy and Test Plan
6- What is Usability and UI
7- What is Test Metrics and Test Estimation?
8- What is test Deliverable and Test Artifact?
9- What are all the Test Design Techniques
10- What is Agile Process in your current company
11- How you will estimate story points in Sprint Planning
12- What is difference between Authentication and Authorization
13- What are the HTTP Methods in API?
14- What is the difference between UI and API Testing?
15- What are all challenges you faced in your experience?
16- Why did you choose software testing as a career, and what motivates you to stick with it?
17- What is testing to you? Do you have a testing paradigm? Can you explain it?
18- Tell me about the work you’ve been doing recently. What’s the most interesting bug that you’ve found, and why?
19- What kind of challenges does testing present? Can you tell me about some specific software testing challenges you’ve faced and how you overcame them?
20- How have you added value to the organizations you’ve worked with? Can you give me a specific example from your last or current position?
21- What kind of tests have you been doing? What do you enjoy about them? How do you develop those tests?
22- When you perform a test, what steps do you take?
23- Have you ever written a test plan? Can you describe what was included and why?
24- What tools do you use for documenting test ideas, execution and results?
25- How do you prioritize your tests? What factors might influence your decisions?
26- How do you know when it’s time to stop testing?
27- What do you do if you report a bug and a developer refuses to fix it?
28- Can you describe how you analyze risk? What role does it play in how you test?
29- Do you measure how your current testing approach is working? How do you adjust if it’s not?
30- If I left you testing for two hours, what would you have to show me when I returned?