Most people are afraid of failing in their life, however failure is there to make us better, wiser, smarter and more cautious. Failing gives you the information you need to do better. The great minds of history often spent most of their lives failing, their ability to learn from their failures has created the world we enjoy today.

Failing in a particular aspect of life does not mean you can’t reach your destination or achieve your life dream. Life is a journey, one thing i have come to learn in life is that, the brighter your future the more price you are to pay, more challenges of life you will face and more failures you are likely to encounter.

There’s no testimony without trial, no rising without failing and no celebration without hard work. A tree does not grow in a day, neither does plant grow from the sky. There is foundation in every building, the deeper the foundation the higher the building.

Take time and sow hard work in your life today, even if you fail seven times over rise up, pick up from where you stopped, never give up on your dreams, never compare yourself to others, never think that your mates have gone ahead of you, always remember you have a different destiny, great destiny.


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