Tag: api testing
What causes 503 status code?
The HTTP 503 Service Unavailable status code indicates that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or scheduled maintenance. This response should be used for temporary conditions and the Retry-After HTTP header should, if possible, contain the estimated time for the recovery of the service. Here are some…
Types of bugs found during API testing
Duplicate FunctionalityWhen more than one API perform the same function Missing FunctionalityWhen a requirement is not fulfilled by any of the APIs developed CompatibilityWhen APIs don’t work well with certain platforms, frameworks, or languages, leading to integration issues Error HandlingWhen APIs don’t provide correct error messages for unexpected/invalid requests SecurityWhen APIs are accessible to unauthorized…
Can we use POST method to update an object in API?
Technically, you can use the POST method to update an object in an API. However, the more appropriate method for this purpose is the PUT or PATCH method. The PUT method is specifically designed for updating a resource/ object on a server. It replaces the entire resource with the new data provided in the request.…
Differences between PATCH, PUT, POST in API
PATCH, PUT, and POST are HTTP methods used to interact with a resource on a server. The differences between them are as follows: PATCH: The PATCH method is used to update/modify a resource’s specific attributes. It is used to make changes to an existing resource but only updates the data which needs change while maintaining…
What need to be checked in API response?
There are several things that need to be checked in an API response: HTTP status code: Check if the HTTP status code indicating the success or failure of the API call is correct. Response payload: Check the response payload to ensure that it contains the expected data. Response headers: Check the response headers for any…
What is Webhook?
A webhook is a way for an application to notify another application when a specific event occurs. It’s a way for two applications to communicate with each other in real-time. When the event happens, the application sends a message to a predefined URL (the webhook) with the relevant data. The receiving application can then use…
What is API polling?
API polling is a technique used in software development to fetch data from an API (Application Programming Interface) at regular intervals, often by using a script or a software tool. In API polling, client application sends a request to the API server at regular intervals, such as every minute or every hour. The server responds…
Difference between HTTP Status Code 200 and 201
HTTP status codes 200 and 201 are both success codes, but they have different meanings. HTTP status code 200 means that the request was successful and the server has returned the requested data. This code is commonly used for GET requests, where the client requests data from the server. HTTP status code 201 means that…
Difference between HTTP Status Code vs Response Code
HTTP status code and response code are both related to the response that a server sends to a client’s request, but they are not the same thing. HTTP status code is a 3-digit numeric code that is included in the server’s response to indicate the status of the client’s request. The status code provides information…
[QA] Best Practices for API Testing
Prioritize the API function calls to make it easier for testers. The sequencing of API calls should be well planned and performed.
6 Thách Thức Phổ Biến Trong API Testing
Sáu trong số những thách thức hàng đầu trong thử nghiệm API bao gồm: Building irrelevant tests: Xây dựng kiểm thử không liên quan. Leaving out response time assertions: Bỏ qua việc xác nhận thời gian phản hồi. Not including API dependencies: Không bao gồm các phụ thuộc API. Testing APIs in a vacuum: Kiểm…
API Testing – HTTP Status Code thường gặp
HTTP Status Code là gì? HTTP Status Code theo tiếng Việt là “Mã trạng thái HTTP”. HTTP Status code sẽ được máy chủ (server) trả về sau khi nhận và phiên dịch 1 yêu cầu HTTP từ phía máy khách (client). Theo đó HTTP status code là một mã có 3 chữ số. Chữ số…
API Testing là gì?
API là từ viết tắt của Application Programing Interface (giao diện lập trình ứng dụng). Về cơ bản, API là một nguồn kết nối cho phép trao đổi thông tin giữa hai ứng dụng khác nhau. Nói một cách đơn giản hơn, chức năng của API là cung cấp phản hồi của người dùng đối…
File HAR là gì? Cách tạo và mở file HAR?
File HAR là một định dạng file lưu trữ JSON dùng để lưu dữ liệu duyệt web trên nhiều trình duyệt. Nó hoạt động bằng cách lưu trữ một phiên dữ liệu giữa máy khách và máy chủ. File HAR được dùng để lưu tất cả các yêu cầu truy cập web được tạo ra…